One thing every divorce has in common is the need for property division. The valuation and division of marital property can be complex, especially if the parties are high net worth individuals or share assets such as a family business, military pension, investment portfolios, real estate holdings or retirement accounts.
Florida courts use the system of “equitable distribution” to divide marital assets and debts. This system is designed to distribute marital property in a fair and equitable manner--not necessarily on a 50/50 basis. Whole assets can be awarded to either party, assets can be split, or assets can be sold and the proceeds divided in a fashion agreed to by the parties or ordered by the court.
Courts will consider several factors in making property division decisions, including:
The duration of the marriage
Each party’s respective contributions to the marriage
The economic circumstances of each spouse
Whether one spouse contributed to the career or educational achievements of the other spouse
A party’s intentional depletion or destruction of marital assets
Backed by more than 15 years of experience, the law office of Laura S. Coleman, P.A., is committed to guiding our clients through the property division process in a highly individualized manner that provides them with financial protection for the future. Lawyer Laura S. Coleman will act as your strategic advocate, working to track down hidden assets, investigate allegations of marital fraud, and identify and assign accurate values to marital assets and debts.
Our firm frequently assists clients in negotiating property division issues without resorting to court intervention; this way, spouses can divide their property in the manner they see fit, rather than leaving the decision to a judge. If your spouse is unwilling to agree to a fair property settlement outside of court, however, we will aggressively represent your interests at trial.
To schedule a consultation with a skilled family lawyer, call the law office of Laura S. Coleman, P.A., locally at 850-665-3008
or toll free at 888-508-7953. We look forward to speaking with you.
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